Disability Inclusive Livelihood Improvement Programme

The powerful April earthquake (2015)  affected the livelihoods of about 2.287 million households and 5.6 million workers across the affected districts, resulting in losses amounting to 94 million workdays and NPR 17 billion of personal income in FY 2015-2016 (PDNA, 2015).  Therefore, the PDNA highlights to develop a comprehensive Disaster Resilient Livelihoods Strategy for continuum from immediate income generation to medium and long-term employment recovery. The earthquake caused 51,929 houses completely damaged at Kavre and 361 people and 23,669 livestock were died, 1009 people were injured. In kavre, the devastation was seen more severe in areas like       ; 5759 houses damaged, 109 lives killed, 158 injured and 7657 livestock loosed.

In this scenario, Resource Mobilization and Rural Empowerment Centre (REMREC) in technical and financial support of CBM launches Disaability Inclusive Livelihood Improvement Program(DILIP) in those severely affected VDCs and Wards of Municipality. The proposed project is designed to implement in two catchment areas of Kavre district. The first catchment covers Banakhu, Ghartichhap and Budhakhani VDCs; considered a remote zone of district popularly known as ‘dandapari’ and lies at south-east corner of the district. The second catchment incompases with Mahadevsthan, Jyamdi, Chandeni & Jaishithok VDCs, lies at northern part of the district, where most of the individual houses were damaged by the powerful stroke of last year’s earthquake.The proposed project is designed to implement under the existing program unit of REMREC directly supervised by the Executive Director. A full time dedicated professional; Team Leader/Program Coordinator shall lead the planning, implementation and reporting of the project activities, supported by a Livelihood Officer and Livelihood Facilitators at field level. At the VDC level, a Livelihood Improvement Committee in each VDC shall be formed composed by entrepreneurs, VDC representatives and concerned stakeholders to facilitate the selection of entrepreneurs, IGAs and MSMEs identification and recommendation of grant/subsidy to selected livelihood activities.

Objectives of the project

The overall objective of the project is:

“To enhance the livelihoods of Poor Vulnerable and Socially Excluded (PVSE) people including the persons with disability”

The specific objective of the project is:

Increase the income level and employment creation for the Poor, Vulnerable and Socially Excluded (PVSE) community including the persons with disability in 7 VDC’s of Kavre district.

REMREC target to covering earthquake affected 6 VDCs and 1 ward of Kavre district. A total 15,650 people is targeted to be benefitted from the project and 3000 HH out of 6194 HH of 7 project VDCs will be covered thereby supporting 406 IGAs, 100 Entrepreneur and 7 community based livelihood schemes.

To attain all the above mention statistics, the first and foremost task was to conduct a field level survey in all the targeted areas of the project. Hence a field survey was successfully completed in all those areas.


Expected Results of the project

This project is for the period of 31 months starting from June 2016 to December 2018. Within this project period the major expected result to achieve will be as below:

Result 1:Income Generation Activities (IGAs) started at household level

Indicator: 406 no of Income Generation Activities (IGAs) at household level

Result 2: Adopted best practices and increased productivity & value addition

Indicator: Local and disability inclusive models of climatic & disaster resilience practices including micro-irrigation, solar dryer and post-harvest technologies developed and practiced

Result 3: Appropriate business development services and linkages available

Indicator: Increased outreach of technology & management service providers & created market information services

Result 4: Scale up IGAs through formation of cooperatives and graduation to micro enterprises

Indicator: 30% IGAs upgraded to enterprises & 250 Enterprises Created at group level and operationalised, cooperative registered in project VDCs and 50% enterprises received credit financing.

Result 5: Capacity building & organizational strengthening

Indicators: Strengthen institutional capacity of REMREC on livelihood promotion

Enhanced organizational capacity of REMREC on disability sector

Result 6: Smooth operation of project

Activities of the project

Activities of Result 1: Income Generation Activities (IGAs) started at household level

  • Local scoping study (Baseline survey, identification of potential entrepreneurs & selection of HHs for IGAs implementation)
  • Formation of VDC Level Livelihood Improvement Committee, orientation & integration of business plan
  • Conduction of district level project initiation workshop
  • Information dissemination and awareness raising through mass medias (Community FMs, Newspapers)
  • Business Development Training
  • Enterprise based Skill Development Training
  • Prepare IG plans integrating GESI aspect
  • Prepare business plans for enterprises establishment
  • Livelihood promotion through hands-on-training
  • Income Generation Activities Start Up Support through revolving concept (Aran Improvement, Vegetable Farming, Bee Keeping, Goat Rearing, Poultry for 406 HHs

Activities of Result 2:Adopted best practices, increased productivity & value addition

  • Support to install the micro irrigation, solar dryer and post-harvest
  • Exposure visit to prominent entrepreneurs

Activities of Result 3: Appropriate business development services are available

  • Mapping of potential business providers
  • Orientation to local level BDS providers, MFIs and other market players
  • Mobile technical support from BDS providers
  • Market linkage and product standardization

Activities of Result 4: Sale up of IGAs and graduation to micro enterprises

  • Cooperatives training and develop cooperative business plan
  • Cooperative registration
  • Inclusive disaster preparedness plan
  • Facilitation for credit financing
  • Documentation of best practices, review, reflection and shearing workshop
  • Support to set up individual micro enterprises (agro processing, hulling, grinding and expelling; Mobile repair for 100 HHs
  • Support to set up community based innovative enterprise (coffee processing, milk processing, micro irrigation (rain water harvesting tank) for 7 Nos.
  • Insurance premium support

Program Launching Meet at Kavre DSC06394 Visit to CBM Beneficiary of Mahadevsthan VDC

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