Governing Board

Professional background of REMREC governing board (Executive Committee) members (2019-2022)

Name & Position Professional Background
Mr. Ramesh Gautam is one of the active members of REMREC; Mr Gautam deserves tremendous experiences in social mobilization for micro-hydro technology over various projects implemented by REMREC in different hill districts of Nepal. As an expert he gained some good professional expertise in renewable energy, small scale business promotion, livelihood improvement, inclusive development and social mobilization during his 12 years of working tenure in Nepal.
Mr Ramesh Gautam
Mr Bhattarai is an expert in natural resource management, having been awarded his Master’s Degree from Pokhara University. He has a great deal of both voluntary and professional experience in development organizations, focusing largely on environmental research. He is currently writing a handbook on climate change in Nepali to compliment his various publications.
Mr Pradeep Bhattarai

Vice  Chairperson

 Remrec logo color MS. Gragri Basnet
MS Gragri Basne 
Ms. Gita Sunar


Mr Adhikari is an expert of social mobilization and socio economic development, having been awarded his Master’s Degree from Tribhuvan University. He has a great deal of both voluntary and professional experience in development organizations, focusing largely on poverty reductions and different research. He is currently working as a freelancer in different development organizations.
Mr. Rajan Prasad Adhikari Member
  Ms. Bhurtel is an expert in financial management and Administration. She is graduate with Masters in Business Studies from Tribhuwan University with specialization in Managerial Finance and Investment Management. Apart from her academic qualifications she is also equipped with her professional qualifications and experience of fluent Nepali and English languages and computer skills, updated with e-based working (Internet, programs and software) and monitoring, documentation and reporting systems which she can unequivocally vouch to utilize in constructive way to attain the sustainability and statutory in her work delivery.
Ms. Saraswati Bhurtel 


Ms. Dinesh Pandit


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Mr. Ramsaran Sarki Roka


Ms Sarmila Tamang


Founder Chairperson of REMREC. Trained in agrarian reform from the Philippines and Human Resource Management from Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand. Professional specialization falls into renewable energy, economic promotion and agricultural improvement in Nepal since more than a decade. Also credited as researcher in Millennium Development Goals (MDG), sustainable agriculture and non-timber forest products in Nepal. Currently working as a Team Leader for Regional Service Center (RSC) funded by Alternative Energy Promotion Centre/ National Rural and Renewable Energy  Programme/ (AEPC/NRREP) in REMREC.
Mr Gokul Gautam
Ex-official Member
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