Resource Management and Rural Empowerment Centre (REMREC) working in the following approaches.
- Rights based and needs based approach: considering the current context of rights holders (target groups) and accountability situation of duty bearers (government and non government agencies), REMREC believes that both needs based interventions and then link to rights based interventions is the need for its targeted groups. Without access to basic and economic services for the target groups, it is hard to mobilize them about their strategic interests through rights based interventions. REMREC also promotes rights and duties together which is missing in current development interventions.
- Empowerment of target groups: REMREC promotes the empowerment of right holders through effective social mobilization through group formation and networking and their capacity building efforts at all levels. REMREC believes without empowerment of target groups the sustainability can’t be ensured.
- Partnership and collaboration approach: REMREC promotes effective partnership with target groups and likeminded CSO networks and effective collaboration with local government agencies to achieve its strategic objectives. REMREC involves these stakeholders in all phases of its programming from needs assessment, design, to sustainability of the projects/results.
- Institution Building approach: REMREC promotes this as main approach for claiming rights of the target groups though establishment of community groups/SHGs and federating them into SHGs networks/CBOs and graduate them into the local government and district level networks. These community or people’s institutions will continuously work for their rights once they are fully sensitized, capacitated and empowered through REMREC’s interventions.
- Working with strategic alliance, networking and linkages: REMREC promotes and develops networking of REMREC with district, regional, national and international level networks to ensure effective and continuous advocacy on the issues of and claiming economic, social, culture, political and civic rights of the target groups. REMREC further strengthens its current networking with national level networks on disability inclusion and economic rights.
- Humanitarian: REMREC follow and apply humanitarian principals, policies and international conventions as agreed by the government of Nepal and support to local government and community on the nature of humanitarian sensitiveness and need through the coordinate with different development partners and stakeholders.
As mentioned the above approach, all project activities will implement in the project locations and applying strong inclusive/participatory monitoring, complain, safeguarding mechanism and feedback systems.