Community Bridge Building Programme

Funding partner: Trail Bridge Support Unit/helvetas Nepal

Implementing partner: User Committees/VDCs

Duration: 2005-2014

Program District: Kavrepalanchowk, Bhaktapur, Kathmandu


Assignment name: Community Bridge Building Program Approx. value of the contract (in NPR): 


Funding Agency(ies):

Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC)

Name of client: District Development Committee, Kavre, Kathmandu & Bhaktapur
Project Location: Kavre, Kathmandu and Bhaktapur Districts Duration of assignment: 132 months

Start date: December 2003

Completion date: November 2014

Whether the Institution provided services as:

Lead Institution R  JV or associated Institution     

Name of associated Partners, if any:  


Name of our Team Leader/Coordinator:

Mr. Dilip Sharma, B Ed

No of professional staff involved from us:  3

Total Staffs’  person months: 396

Type and narrative description of services provided:

Trail Bridge Support Unit (TBSU) is a joint program of GoN and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation being operated in the line with decentralized development policy of Nepal. The objective of this project is to construct suspension bridges at rural areas in order to link or make easy access to the isolated settlements to others and thus to make transportation comfortable. The TBSU program used to optimize local materials and skill while minimizing the negative impact of the environment in under to ensure its replicability nation-wide. REMREC is involving in this program it establish the sense of ownership among the beneficiaries and to operate it in a longer non-basis.   As well as providing the technical knowledge to the users group and coordination with the DDC and TBSU for making new bridge and also maintenance of bridge



Brief description of results (supported by smart indicators) achieved of the project:

·         Technical support provided to user’s committees for major maintenance and install trial bridges

·         DMBT Trainings conducted in different time

·         Public hearing, public review and public audit conducted on each trail bridges



Name of the Bridge District Completed
Suspended Bridges Kavre 43
Truss Bridges Kavre 4
Truss Bridges Bhaktapur 4
Major maintenance Bridges Kavre 16
Suspended Bridges Kathmandu 4




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