SAMABESHI SAMUDAYA: Inclusive Communities for All in Kavrepalanchowk (April 2019 to December 2023)

Overall objective To contribute towards improving quality of life of persons with disabilities through inclusive, resilient and affordable services and programmes of Madandeupur Municipality and Bhumlu Rural Municipality.
Specific objective(s) Build inclusive communities that ensure accessible, inclusive and equitable policies, programmes and services for all; by promoting meaningful participation of women, men, girls and boys with disabilities in development initiatives in Bhumlu and Mandandeupur. Indicator 1: At least 4 disability inclusive policies including health, education, livelihood, and DRR are in place at both municipalities.

Indicator 2: Increased accessibility and inclusiveness of at least 60% of all health, education, livelihood, and DRR services available in both municipalities.

Indicator 3: At least 60% of the identified persons with disabilities have access to health services.

Indicator 4: At least 80% of the identified children and youth with disabilities have access to education services.

Indicator 5: At least 30% of the identified persons with disabilities have access to implement livelihood opportunities.

Indicator 6: Persons with disabilities are empowered and engaged in local development process by recognizing their representation in user and management committees.

Expected Results Result 1: Enhanced skill and capacity of municipalities to localize Federal disability rights acts/regulations including core principles of CRPD and SDG priorities. Indicator 1.1. Two municipalities have integrated and actively used a data management information system (DMIS) with disintegrated data of persons with disabilities by end of project period.

Indicator 1.2. At least 130 elected local government representatives and executives are capacitated on CBID and DID framework by end of year 2 of the MYP.

Indicator 1.3. 22 ward level policy monitoring mechanisms are in place.

Indicator 1.4.  30 local government health staff trained on disability, mental health and psychosocial intervention.

Indicator 1.5. 150 school teachers and management committee members are trained on inclusive education policy and guideline.

Result 2: Improved access to education, health care & rehabilitation, livelihood services for women, men, girls and boys with disabilities in accessible, inclusive and resilient environmental setting.


Indicator 2.1. Local government endorsed inclusive health sectoral plan by 2022.

Indicator 2.2. Increased number of students with disabilities stay in school by 50%.

Indicator 2.3. At least 50% identified persons with disabilities improved their mobility and Activity of Daily Living (ADL) independence.

Indicator 2.4. Person with disabilities have access to government health insurance schemes at both municipalities (Mandandeupur, Bhumlu)

Indicator 2.5. At least 80% of school age children with disability are enrolled and learning at school and have access to government scholarship scheme by the end of 2021.

Indicator 2.6. At least 80% or School Improvement Plans are disability inclusive in Mandandeupur and Bhumlu municipalities

Indicator 2.7. 20% of existing local cooperatives have made policies and services inclusive and accessible for all including people with disabilities, and women and men with disabilities join them.

Indicator 2.8. 25% of the identified person with disabilities and their family have access to Micro Finance Institutions(MFIs)/Cooperative services for livelihood intervention.

Result 3:  Women, men, girls and boys with disability and their families have capacity to advocate, lobby with and/or influence local development initiatives. Indicator 3.1. 22 ward level inclusive SHGs are actively engaged in community development.

Indicator 3.2. 2 Disabled People Organizations (DPO) play an disability advisory roles in both municipalities.

Result 4: Strengthening capacity on Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) for resilient local government. Indicator 4.1. 50 government representatives are trained on Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DiDRR) approach.

Indicator 4.2. 22 persons with disabilities participate in Disaster Risk Reduction/Disaster Risk Management (DRR/DRM) planning in 22 wards.

Result 5:  The partner has the capacity to design, plan, implement and monitor Inclusive projects. Indicator 5.1. 8 project staff are trained on CBID/DID approach

Indicator 5.2 Partner is developed as CBID/DID resource organisation

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